Posts by Shawn

It’s been a good long while since I’ve set fingers to keyboard to write a post. There have been A LOT of changes. Let’s start with the big one, why don’t we? We bought a new house and moved. No reason to worry about finding us, though. It’s immediately next door to the old place (which is still part of the farm). This move has allowed us to develop some actual, honest studio space. This means we can...

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Ch ch ch changes

Ch ch ch changes

Posted By on Sep 29, 2017

Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, is quoted as saying “change is the only constant in life.” And, David Bowie wrote “I watch the ripples change their size, But never leave the stream, Of warm impermanence.” What’s that mean? Well, sit back, grab a cuppa, this is gonna take some ‘splaining. When Jeanette and I first started out, we chose the name Laffing Horse for the farm. We raised and trained...

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